行為守則 / Code of Conduct
(English follows below)
作為一個文化大溶爐,我們希望營造一個有包容性的環境,令更多人接觸到搖擺爵士樂和 Swing Dance!有見及此,我們期望每位活動參加者都尊重及遵從以下的指引。
香港地少人多,舞池的土地問題亦非常明顯。不管是 Lead 或 Follow,在跳舞時都需要保護你的舞伴。要習慣眼看四方,學懂如何控制方向和刹停,有需要時輕輕地把撞過來的人撥開。亦應留意自己的身體動作會否過大 (如踢腿、揮手),成為別人要閃避的危險人物。跳得興起時有少許的身體在所難免,雙方互相說聲 Sorry,再調整你跟對方的跳舞空間,避免再踫到別人。
令人熱血沸騰的 Air Steps (亦叫Aerials,即空中動作,通常夾雜翻騰或雜技成分) 在 Social 的舞池中嚴禁使用。養兵千日,用兵一時,請留待比賽、表演或圓形舞蹈 (Jam Circle) 時以熟練和安全的方法展示。其他會令舞伴失去平衡的動作如 Dip 也不要使用。假如舞伴的跳舞方式令你不舒服,請禮貌地如實告知;或者有人跟你說你的跳舞方式令他/她不舒服,請調整跳舞的方式,不要造成別人的困擾。
無論是 Lead 或 Follow 都有邀舞和拒絕被邀的權利,而拒絕的理由成千上萬,你應該尊重對方的決定,不用想太多。
除非對方主動詢問,請不要指正別人的動作錯誤。來 Social 大家都是為了放鬆的,請不要把自己的想法加諸在別人身上。有建設性的批評和討論可留在在大家同意的情況下 (如練習、上課) 分享。放過別人,放過自己,善哉善哉。
不論男女,在帶氧量極高的 Swing Dance 下出一身大汗是很平常的。記得帶後備衣服和毛巾,時常清潔雙手,保持個人衛生。另外,無論你多有經驗,請勿穿過高的高踭鞋到舞池,被踏的那位應該整晚,甚至整個星期都不能再跳了。
活動場地及樂手和 Swing Dance是唇齒相依的關係,很多時他們都是為支持 Swing Dance 的本地教育而兩脇插刀,提供場地及時間。因此,當活動在餐廳及酒吧舉行而不設入埸費時,我們必須尊重這些好拍檔,支持場內消費,拒絕攜帶外來食物和飲品。
假如你在跳舞時感到不安,你應該提前結束跳舞並向對方表明立場,清楚表達你的感受和他/她的行為是不受歡迎的,請他/她必須停止。 活動組織者將根據相關方面的需求、意願及問題的嚴重程度,謹慎地處理問題。活動組織者可以採取他們認為適當的任何行動,包括警告違規者或禁止他們繼續參與活動,且不予退款。 如果您遇到、目擊或聽到騷擾事件,或者某個行為令你覺得困擾,你可以用以下的方式尋求幫助:
1. 將事件告訴其中一位 Swing Pocket 的負責人。你可以詢問當晚的 DJ 或老師如何找到這些負責人。
2. 將事件告訴你能信任的親人、朋友或能夠提供情緒支持或提供意見的人。你可以請他們,或在你的陪同下將事件告訴其中一位 Swing Pocket 的負責人。
3. 你亦可以透過電郵聯絡我哋: [email protected] 或者透過 Instagram :@swingpockethk。
Code of Conduct
We aim to create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone can enjoy swing dance. In view of this, we expect every event participant to respect and follow the guidelines listed below.
Safety and etiquette
Space is a premium in Hong Kong, and dance floor space in venues is often limited. Whether you’re a Lead or a Follow, please protect your partner when dancing. Get used to looking around while dancing to avoid collisions; learn to control the direction of your movement and know when to stop if required. You should also pay attention to whether your body movements are excessive (such as kicking, waving) and avoid becoming a dangerous person to be dodged by others! It is inevitable to have a little body contact with other parties when you are dancing.
If any unintended contact is made, both parties should apologise to each other, check for any injuries, and where possible, adjust the space between you and other dancers to avoid any further collisions.
Strictly prohibited actions
Air steps, also called aerials (acrobatic moves where a dancer’s feet leave the ground) are strictly prohibited on the social dance floor/during social dancing. Please only perform air steps/aerials in a safe way during competitions, performances or jam circles.
Do not use excessive force or make movements that cause your partner to lose balance, or make any sudden drops where you partner’s head is close to the floor. If your partner’s dancing style makes you uncomfortable, please politely tell them; or if someone tells you that your dancing style makes him/her uncomfortable, please adjust the way you dance so as not to cause harm to others.
Invitations/rejections for a dance
Both Lead or Follow have the right to invite or refuse an invitation to dance, with any given reason for rejection. You should respect the other person’s decision without taking it too personally.
‘Teaching’ others on the social dance floor
Unless another person is actively seeking feedback, please do not try to correct, teach or give unsolicited feedback about another person’s dancing. Attendees come to a social dance to relax and have fun, not to be corrected or get feedback about their dancing. Constructive criticism and feedback should be shared with everyone’s consent, and done in safe learning environments such as classes, workshops or practice sessions.
Personal hygiene and footwear
It is common for both men and women to sweat profusely when swing dancing, especially during the warmer months in Hong Kong. Remember to bring spare clothes and towels, clean your hands frequently and maintain personal hygiene. No matter how experienced you are, please do not wear high heels, flip flops or any inappropriate footwear as it may lead to minor accidents on the dance floor. Please protect yourselves and others by wearing appropriate footwear.
Support venue partners and musicians
Musicians and venue operators are key to providing live music and spaces for the swing dance community in Hong Kong. When events are held in restaurants and bars without entry fees, please respect our venue partners and musicians by buying food and beverages where possible, and do not bring outside food and drinks into the venues.
Alcohol consumption
Excessive drinking can have harmful effects. Please pay attention to your behaviour and physical condition when consuming alcohol during events.
Respect everyone. At no time should a dancer feel harassed or threatened. When someone makes another person feel uneasy, insulted, intimidated or disrespected, this is considered a form of harassment. There are no gender restrictions on harassment, and any gender can be an aggressor or a victim. Offensive behaviour may include inappropriate physical contact and any other unwanted attention, unpermitted photographing, videotaping, stalking, intimidation, verbal abuse or inappropriate comments about a person’s appearance or dress.
Responding to harassment
If you feel uncomfortable while dancing with another person, you should end the dance early. Clearly express your feelings and let them know their behaviour is unwelcome, and politely ask them to stop. The event organisers will deal with any issues based on the needs and severity of the issues from the relevant parties. Event organisers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning violators or prohibiting them from continuing to participate in the event without refund, or prohibiting attendance at any future events. If you have encountered, witnessed, or heard about any form of harassment, or if a behaviour is disturbing you, you can seek help in the following ways:
1. Inform one of the Swing Pocket organisers about the incident. You can ask the instructor or DJ on the day of the event who to report to.
2. If needed, tell a relative, friend or person you can trust or who can provide emotional support or advice about the incident. You can ask them to report, or ask them to accompany you when informing the Swing Pocket organisers about the incident.
3. You can also contact us via email: [email protected] or via Instagram: @swingpockethk.
Adhering to the Code of Conduct
To protect the interest and welfare of the swing community, Swing Pocket organisers reserve the right to take any appropriate actions including, but not limited to, removing and banning anyone not adhering to this Code of Conduct, from any current and future events as needed.